

Scouting is all about exploring the natural world of Rexalia! Your Rex might be exploring an abandoned mine, enjoying a sunset view, or hiking along a mountain stream. But they better be mindful of where they are going - some places are safer than others...


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Scouting must depict your Rexal taking interest in the majesty of nature.
Scouting ✔️
  • Going into the wilds to hunt, fish, or forage.
  • Travelling through untamed wilderness.
  • Going swimming.
  • Enjoying a scenic view.
  • Setting up a campsite.
  • Boating along a river.
  • Not Scouting ❌
  • Sleeping.
  • Working on a farm or in a city.
  • Animal husbandry and care.
  • Completing domestic chores.
  • Deep Diving.
  • Reading in a library.

  • Additional Requirements

      - Scouting must be depicted in the chosen Location.


      - Canvases should be larger than 500 x 500px OR 600 x 400px.

      - Backgrounds must be full color and meet the 3 Planes OR Elements standard

      - Rexals must be at least 150 x 150px big both horizontally and vertically (this cannot be manipulated - click on text for visual explanation), have full colour and show at least 5 body sections.



      - The minimum word count for one Rexal is 600 words

      - Each additional rolled Rex increases the minimum word count by +300. (900 for 2, 1200 for 3)

      - Each additional unrolled player-owned Rex increases the word count by +200.

      - Rex being rolled should be present for the majority of the story.

      - The plot should center around the scouting task, with at least 70% of your total word count being 'On Task,' that is:

      • - Accepting the job/being asked to do the task.

      • - Preparing for/discussing the task.

      • - Completing/attempting the task.

      • - Packing up after the task.

      • - Journey to/from the task.

    Click here for Activity Specific Rules/Allowances


    Click here for Art Requirements and Examples


    Click here for General Submission Rules


    Available Locations

    Additional Locations will be unlocked as as they are discovered in the lore.

    The Dome

    • The Dome is a safe location and your Rex cannot be injured while completing ARs here.
    • Any Rex may complete ARs in the Dome regardless of Magic Rank.
    • Scouting in the dome should be in Greece's natural environment.
    • The following items can be found via Scouting in the Dome:  ITEM LIST

    Quick Environment Cheatsheet

    The dome is based off of 300 bce greece. Check this pinterest board for inspiration:

    Dome Inspiration Board

    The Posian Islands

    • The Posian Islands are a safe location and your Rex cannot be injured while completing ARs here.
    • Any Rex may complete ARs on the islands regardless of Magic Rank.
    • Scouting on the island should be somewhere near rocky shores, cliffs and/or have the ocean in the background. Rocky flatlands/meadows are also permitted.
    • The following items can be found via Scouting on the islands: ITEM LIST

    Quick Environment Cheatsheet

    The Posian Islands are based off of 1600-1700 England. Check this pinterest board for inspiration:

    Posian Island Inspiration Board

    The Crimson Cove

    • Rexals can get injured here. Be aware of this when scouting in this area.
    • Scouting on a pirate ship is also okay and welcome as long as it adheres to the other rules.
    • Scoutings drawn here must have a tropical theme of sorts or be clearly piracy themed.
    • The following items can be found via Scouting on the islands: ITEM LIST


    Some rexals on this tropical island have left dome life behind, and their friendliness varies. Watch out for traps and pitfalls set by earlier visitors! Pirate-era dangers, including predators and hidden threats, mean your rex might get injured along the way. If you’re up for a thrilling, scary adventure, this island beckons.

    Quick Environment Cheatsheet

    The Crimson Cove is pirate themed and based on the 1500-1700s. Check this pinterest board for inspiration:

    Crimson Cove Inspiration Board