Posian Islands

location_on Location

Posian Trench

globe_asia Type


cottage Capital


holiday_village Largest City


language Languages

Latin, New Posian


Exports: Fish, Herbs, Wittled Goods

Imports: Figs, Deep Sea Fish, Various Dome Goods

Currency: Dracm, Doubloons

atr Factions Active

Poseans, Domelanders, Pirates

circles Political Alignment


blur_circular Population Density


thermostat Temperature

Heavy snowfall and frost very common.
Fahrenheit: Likely in the range of 20°F to 30°F
Celsius: Approximately -6°C to -1°C

Cool and short.
Fahrenheit: Probably around 60°F to 70°F
Celsius: Roughly 15°C to 21°C

pets Common Livestock and pets

Livestock: Red Deer, Roe Deer, Boar, Pheasants
Pets: Doves, Rats

emoji_nature Prominent Species

Mammals: Deer, Boar, Fox, Badger, Hedgehog, Otter, Hare, Rat, Mole, Stoat, Weasel, Grey Squirrel
Birds: Buzzard, Red Kite, Falcon, Barn Owl, Common Pheasant, Skylark, Nightingale, Robin, Starling, Sparrow
Fish: Salmon, Trout, Pike, Perch, Carp
Reptiles and Amphibians: Frog, Common Toad, Grass Snake, Adder (Viper)

travel_explore Notable Geographical Features

High Cliffs:
Towering cliffs form a dramatic coastline, much like the white cliffs of Dover in England.
Rolling Hills and Moorlands:
Gently undulating terrain covered with grass and heather, offering picturesque landscapes.
Dense Forests:
Woodlands filled with oak, elm, ash, and other native trees could provide habitat for various wildlife.
Rocky Beaches:
What truly sets the islands apart are the rocky beaches on some of the coasts, filled with smooth, colorful pebbles.

account_balance Government & Law Enforcement

In the Posian Islands, the Circle of Discovery rules with a firm grip on tradition. These original rexals, a blend of adventurers and wealthy individuals, rebuilt the ancient dwellings and now govern in a manner reminiscent of a bygone era. Unlike their pioneering beginnings, they now adhere to time-honored practices, resistant to change and guided by the ways of the past.

sailing The Posian Navy

The Naval Guardians serve as the Posian Islands' unique blend of naval force and internal law enforcement. Tasked with maintaining maritime security against pirate threats, they also act as a constabulary force within the islands. Their duties include maintaining order in busy ports, offering security escorts for wealthy individuals, and coordinating at the water's surface to pick up rexals arriving from the underwater dome.

donut_small Economic System

The Posian Islands rely on agriculture and fishing as the core of their economy, with farmers and fishermen providing essential sustenance. Skilled artisans produce goods through crafts and trade, while merchants facilitate trade with other regions. Local markets serve as hubs for the exchange of products, and a feudal system defines land ownership and societal structure. A currency in the form of coins is commonly used for transactions.

Common Professions in this Area

  • Farmer: The majority of the population is engaged in farming, both in terms of raising crops and tending to livestock.
  • Merchant/Trader: Merchant sailors, going from the waters above the dome to the PI. There's also Medbe, that needs supplies for the rebuilding effort.
  • Diving Merchant: Rexals that swim up and down from the dome to the surface. This is a dangerous job!
  • Craftsmen: This category includes blacksmiths, carpenters, weavers, and other tradesjobs.
  • Fishermen: Fishing is a significant industry, particularly in coastal towns.
  • Miner: Mining for coal and metals like tin and copper.
  • Navy Soldier: A common profession.
  • Navigator/Seaman: With the growth of exploration and maritime trade, being a sailor or navigator is more common.
  • Medical Practitioner (Medic): This would include barbers who also perform surgery and herbalists.
  • Domestic Servants: Paid servitude. This includes nannies.
  • Educators: Education is very important in the PI, so learning how to read and write are essential.
  • Artisans: Even though most pottery is imported, there's a growing trade for products like these from the islands.
  • Street Vendors: Hawking goods on the street, such as food or small wares, is a common occupation for those in urban areas or towns with bustling havens.

history_edu Historical Significance

The Posian Islands, discovered abandoned 150 years ago by the rexals, presented a landscape filled with deserted houses, farms, and remnants of a bygone society. With their inherent ability to adapt quickly, the rexals seized the opportunity to make the islands their home. They moved into the empty dwellings, tilled the forgotten fields, and breathed life back into the silent workshops and marketplaces. Over the years, they have transformed the abandoned relics into thriving communities, infusing the islands with their unique culture and innovation, while honoring the mysterious past they don't quite understand.

dangerous Threats/Challenges

Since the Posian Islands don't have the advantage of being under control by the Elders, this region isn't as controlled as the Dome. This leaves them to many uncharted challenges, rexals had to overcome first before they could fully settle here. Environmental challenges, like stormy weather and unpredictable seas, required adaptation and resilience. Economic struggles, including trade dependencies and resource scarcity, posed constant hurdles to prosperity. Internal conflicts occasionally surfaced, needing careful mediation and collaborative resolution. And lurking in the shadows of the open waters, the ever-present threat of pirates added a layer of danger.

Environmental Struggles: The Harsh Symphony of Nature

Amidst the capricious embrace of the elements, the rexals of the Posian Islands have been met with challenges aplenty.

  • Stormy Weather: As the heavens roar and tempests brew, rexals employ advanced ship designs and techniques to weather the storms that frequent their shores.
  • Unpredictable Seas: The waters are as moody as the winds, requiring specialized navigation using intricate maps and well-established routes.
  • Disease: The invisible foe that is disease weaves its sinister tendrils throughout the community, demanding the application of traditional remedies and ritualistic healthcare.

Economic Struggles: The Delicate Balance of Prosperity

Commerce thrives and falters on a precarious fulcrum, as the islands navigate their way through complex dependencies and scarcities.

  • Trade Dependencies: Bound by economic ties to their singular trading partner, the Dome, disruptions here are not just ripples, but waves that could capsize prosperity.
  • Resource Scarcity: The islands are not lavish in their offerings of natural resources, necessitating a focus on sustainability and innovative solutions.
  • Merchant Rivalries: The undercurrents of commercial competition are swift and unforgiving, leading to high-stakes maneuvering between merchant guilds.

Adversaries: The Shadows that Lurk

Though harmony often reigns, dangers from both within and without disrupt the tranquility of the Posian Islands.

  • Pirates: As rare as they are deadly, pirates present formidable threats that call for specialized naval forces and keen vigilance.
  • Crime: The dark alleys of bustling ports are rife with intrigue and criminal enterprise, warranting a specialized force to uphold the rule of law.

hourglass_empty Time Period

The Posian Islands are based on 1600s England, a time that followed the end of the Middle Ages. This era was marked by the elegance and refinement of high society, contrasted with the rugged life of common folk. Dark, narrow streets lined with cobblestones, flickering lanterns casting shadows, bustling markets, grand manor houses, and the persistent clamor of carriages were common sights and sounds. It was a time of contrasts and transformation, where the echoes of medieval life met the dawn of a new age.
While Rexals do not have horses, you sure can see carriages drawn by stags, or even rexals themselves!

hub Connection to Other Areas

The Posian Islands have a unique trading relationship with the Dome, located in the ocean's deepest trench. This trading pact is not officially supported or widely talked about but is tolerated by the Elders, as it provides the Dome with a welcome variety in food. Rexals use their ability to dive into the crushing depths, unaffected by deep-sea pressure, and magically secure the cargo for transport. The journey, while neither easy nor without risk, enriches the culinary landscape of the Dome with unique foods from the Posian Islands and subtly connects these two distinct regions.

The Posian Islands

The Posian Islands is a continental fragment archipelago, a series of islands which range along the edge of the Posian Trench, some sitting fairly near to the location of the Dome, with others far more distant, closer to the locale of the pirate-ridden Crimson Cove. In encompasses a fairly diverse range of islands, some little more than spits of sand dunes rising above the crests of the lapping waves, with others considerably more sizable, and having a substantial rocky structure by which all manner of plant life have clung to and prospered. Many adventurous rex have likewise found these islands and declared them home.

The inhabitants of the Posian Islands view themselves as largely progressive, and uninhibited by the stodgy customs of the ‘Dome-bound’ Rexals. The lore steeped traditions and rules of the Dome may not be incorrect, but they were too stifling for these adventurous rexal. While these are typically still very peaceful individuals and small communities, they have sought out a life that is not under the direct control of the Elders. However, with different individuals and groups, come different preferences. Across the various isles there will be settings much closer to the classic Greek antiquity found within the Dome, and ranging forward all the way up to a time period much like the 1600-1700s. Those in the most modern of time settings often consider themselves the more enterprising of the pioneers, and while there may be some disagreements between families and communities across the islands about the ‘best’ way to live, they still remain largely peaceful with one another. After all, its hard to remain amenable to your trading partners if you are fighting them.

The entrepreneurial rex of the Posian Islands engage in a large amount of trade, both with other communities of the archipelago, but also with the Dome and the distant settlements in the Medbe Desert. Many of the communities within the islands function as trade depots and bustling marketplaces, where all manner of familiar and exotic good can be acquired for the right price.

Significant NPCs

Click the NPCs to open or close their info.


Mayor NPC Profile for Posian Islands

Basic Details

Name: Mayor Finnianos "Finn" Nereides

Age: 226


Mayor Finn is the person responsible for discovering Themsby, the bustling capital of the Posian Islands. Although he holds the title of Mayor, his role goes beyond overseeing just the capital; he is effectively in charge of the Posian Islands as a whole. Despite the weight of his responsibilities, you can often find him at the harbor, welcoming Dome rexals who are new to the islands.

Role-Specific Information

Political Alignment:

Part of the Collaborative Leadership Circle, primarily a progressive with focus on adapting the posian livestyle and its customs.


Manages internal affairs, supports local businesses, and negotiates trade agreements with the dome.

Popular Opinion:

Loved by both old and young for his wisdom and kindness. Known for settling disputes with a listening ear rather than force.

Personal Interests:

Enjoys sailing, has a deep interest in cartography and has an impressive collection of old maps. Also, a self-proclaimed foodie who loves experimenting by mixing posian and dome cuisine.

Historical Significance:

Mayor since the beginning, widely credited for discovering the abandoned city of Themsby.

Admiral NPC Profile for Posian Islands

Basic Details

Name: Admiral Alexia Thalassinos

Age: 180


Admiral Alexia Thalassinos is the unwavering force behind the Posian Islands' naval strength. At 180 years young, she's a seasoned explorer and strategist, responsible for the islands' robust defense and discovery endeavors. Though she exudes authority, Alexia's cultural impact shows her softer side: she's inspired generations of rexals to be adventurous and community-oriented, becoming a living legend in the process.

Role-Specific Information

Navy Fleet Strength:

The fleet under Admiral Alexia is nothing short of impressive. With 15 state-of-the-art ships, each outfitted with the latest technologies, they serve as the backbone of defense and exploration for the Posian Islands.

Defensive Strategies:

Admiral Alexia focuses on a multi-layered defensive system using state-of-the-art surveillance and communication tech. The fleet is always on high alert, and she believes in quick, tactical responses to any threats.

Exploration Ventures:

Having lived for 180 years, Alexia has been on countless expeditions. She's mapped various underwater caves, discovered new aquatic species, and even found hidden resources that have been vital for the islands.

Relations with Pirate Threats:

Admiral Alexia is known for her strict but fair approach towards piracy. She advocates for diplomatic resolution where possible but isn't afraid to wield her fleet's power when needed. She has managed to forge uneasy alliances with some pirate factions, turning them into informants.

Cultural Impact:

Her longevity and expertise have made her a legend among the people of the Posian Islands. She's inspired generations of rexals to be adventurous, disciplined, and community-minded. Public celebrations and festivals often include naval themes in her honor, and she's become a symbol of both power and wisdom.


Upon your arrival at Themsby, the harbor immediately grabs your attention with its large stone walls and colorful merchant sails fluttering in the wind. Stepping further into the city, narrow cobblestone streets framed by ivy-covered buildings guide you toward lively market squares where locals and travelers alike congregate.

emoji_flags Iconic Landmarks

  • The Tower of Themsby: This fortress looms over the city, creating a striking contrast against the busy streets and vibrant markets below.
  • Elmswyr Bridge: This stunning bridge spans the River Elmswyr with a grace that captivates everyone who walks across it. Statues and mysterious carvings dot its structure, adding a layer of intrigue.
  • Trader's Quay: This is the beating heart of Themsby, an expansive square filled with traders displaying everything from rare spices to intricate textiles.

sailing Role of Naval Guardians

You'll see the Naval Guardians everywhere in Themsby, making their presence felt from the harbor to the far corners of the market. They escort rich traders through the packed streets of the Royal Quay and stand by the riverside to greet rexals making their ascent from the underwater dome.


Upon arriving in Hollowmere, the first thing you'll notice is the grand naval base that sits like a crown jewel by the bay, surrounded by a fortress of walls that have stood the test of time. The air carries the tangy scent of salt and the constant echoes of ship bells, calling sailors back to their posts. Beyond the naval base, rows of houses in warm, earthy tones spread out like a well-planned chessboard. These residences belong to naval families, distinguished captains, and everyday townspeople alike, all of whom find their place in this strategically significant city.

emoji_flags Significant Locations

  • The Admiral's Dockyard: This state-of-the-art shipyard is where vessels of all kinds come for maintenance and upgrades. It's not only a marvel of engineering but also a testament to Hollowmere's naval capabilities.
  • Hollow Square: This main square is often the site of public ceremonies and military parades. A towering statue of the admiral herself stands at its center.
  • The Seafarer’s Tavern: Known for its hearty meals and robust ales, this tavern is a favorite amongst sailors and citizens. It often hosts lively debates and gatherings, making it a true community hub.

sailing Role of Naval Guardians and Military Families

The Naval Guardians in Hollowmere serve multiple roles—from managing the armory to overseeing rigorous training regimes. Their families, meanwhile, are the backbone of the community, often volunteering in local organizations and participating in morale-boosting events.

The Posian Islands

Common Travel Routes