Item Description Worth
Curved Sword with Strange Hilt (Cutlass)
This sword is quite unlike a xiphos or even a kopis, with a consistently wide blade and a hilt guard that hugs one's knuckles. Even if one doesn't understands the appeal, it can still be sold for a fine price back home.
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Solid Iron Ball (Cannonball)
What could one possibly need a solid iron ball for? Still, perhaps it can be melted down into something useful inside the dome.
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Sack of Black Powder (Gunpowder)
A strange sack of powder that some of the elders are keen to obtain. It just looks like black sand to you, smells faintly of rotten eggs.
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Large Wooden and Iron Container (Barrel)
Has a strange structure, but could still make an excellent home for a cynic.
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Barrel with Solid Water Lens (Spyglass)
The lens appears to be made of glass, but has the magnifying properties of water. Perhaps it was once used for spying?
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Red Fabric
Exquisitely soft and silky, don't you just want to rub it against your face?
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Bags of Sweet Granules (Sugar)
Sweet like honey, but gritty and dry. Rather bland.
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Hide of an Unknown Creature (Ocelot)
A prize the voyagers took from some kind of ferocious beast, and now you've taken it from them in turn. The fur is soft, if processed correctly it could be made into a comfortable throw or accessory.
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If one can refrain from breaking this over their fellow rexals' heads, they will be able to feast on the meat inside. One can also extract liquid from it by pulping the meat and straining it through cloth, resulting in a white juice resembling milk.
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One of your five a day... of carbohydrates, that is. These bananas are delicious fried, boiled, grilled, or baked. As an oddity, they should fetch a high price inside the dome.
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Piece of Sail
Ragged and dirtied, this cloth has surely seen better days. The material seems to be linen, like sailcloth made in the dome, but the complete sail must have been much larger than that of any dome ship...
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Strange Drinking Vessel (Tankard)
Made out of wood and iron, it's impossible to tell how it doesn't leak. Perhaps it's best to stick to clay, or even glass.
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Weathered Coin
Some kind of alternative voyager currency. Doesn't spend like dracm, but the gold it is made out of can be sold and melted down to be used for jewellery.
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Upper Right Map Piece
One piece out of four. No beginning and no end, where exactly are we heading? [Once you've collected all four pieces, follow the map to the item usage thread to receive a small treasure chest!]
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Upper Left Map Piece
One piece out of four. No beginning and no end, where exactly are we heading? [Once you've collected all four pieces, follow the map to the item usage thread to receive a small treasure chest!]
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Sturdy Rope
A length of hemp rope, expertly twisted. One should be careful to coat it with magic so that it doesn't absorb water, lest it rot.
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Bottom Left Map Piece
One piece out of four. No beginning and no end, where exactly are we heading? [Once you've collected all four pieces, follow the map to the item usage thread to receive a small treasure chest!]
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Bottom Right Map Piece
One piece out of four. No beginning and no end, where exactly are we heading? [Once you've collected all four pieces, follow the map to the item usage thread to receive a small treasure chest!]
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Fresh Water
Collected from the river or the wells scattered throughout the dome, bring your own oenochoe!
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Rusty Xiphos
A standard xiphos, outside of the fact that it's been abandoned. The metal will need to be purified before it can be smelted down and recycled.
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Charmed Medical Kit
With this you may add a large scar or amputate part of your Rexal's import.
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Charmed Bandages
With this you may add a small scar or group of scars to your Rexal's import.
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Arm of the Kraken
Need a hand?
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Petrified Apple
The ravages of time have had an adverse effect on this apple. It is decidedly inedible even when split in half, but perhaps it can be used as a momento... or a projectile.
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Mirror - Crimson Cove
Use this mirror to unlock the background 'Crimson Cove' for one import of your choice.
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