Item Description Worth
Orange Marmalade
A lucky find! Nothing is better than the sweet taste of citrus on a hot day in the islands. Boring bread? Not enough zing for your grilled fish? Marmalade can fix that.
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Yet another sign you should probably finish that literature in progress you have...
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Silver Butterknife
You can't use just any regular old knife to spread butter. Hey I mean it, put that brass knife away!
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One glass lens is cracked, but perhaps it will sell nicely. Just be careful not to drop it... again.
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Tea Kettle
The sign of a good tea kettle is not just the look of the kettle, but by how much it disturbs the liquid in the cup. A good kettle should cause little to no bubbling, lest you want to splash your honored guests with hot tea!
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Used Pan
A reliable pan that has gotten a good amount of use over the years. Perhaps with some polish and a good scrub, a few years more.
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Breaking vases is not how getting currency works! Please very delicately transport it to the nearest shop for a nice bag of dracm, okay?
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Raise for a toast! To your good health and to another shiny trinket for your collection.
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This device seems to be used to keep track of how long one has spent on a task. Typically the glass bulbs are symmetical so that it will measure the same time regardless of orientation and a full hour is said to have passed once all the sand reaches the bottom... But how much sand is exactly in there?
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Perfect! Now that you found the ink you can start... wait where did your quil go?
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Leather Belt
A familiar sight, though this looks a bit more complicated than what one might find in the dome. Animal hide held in place by an odd metal clasp and if given the right measurements can be used for any body type, even if they gain or lose a few pounds. A lot more reliable than a rope that's for certain.
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Mortar and Pestle
This is an incredibly useful toolset for any number of jobs be it medicine, cooking, or even masonry. The pestle is a club shaped object one uses to ground several materials into a desired texture and the deep set bowl prevents spilling and wasting the substance.
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From the Dome to the islands and further yet, there is not one civilization that doesn't loaf bread.
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A neat little invention made using lodestone, a form of the mineral magnetite that is a natural magnet. Perfect for tracking where you're going! If only tracking the time was this easy...
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Decorative Plate
The essence of regal poise, the strokes of genius in every brush of paint, and the most elligant of artwork dracm can afford all perfectly crafted onto this ceramic plate. Such fine art should only be used on the most special of occassions. You're never going to end up using this plate are you?
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