Choose only ONE of these options.
Use this section if the Rex was not drawn by you personally. Count the body sections shown and put the number in this field. Remember that a section must be shown at least 50% to count!
Use this section if you drew your own personal Rex. Count the body sections shown and put the number in this field. One section will get you get 2 MP, two sections gets you 4 MP, and so on. If you draw all seven sections you get 14 MP!
Distinct shading/lighting is not present on the Rex. Lineless artwork also falls under this category if there's no 3D-effect achieved with shading.
Please enter the same number of Body sections as the 'Body Amount' category.
Your Rex has been given depth and form through shading/lighting. The shading shouldn't be too soft or light - it should be easy to tell from a glance that the Rex is shaded.
Please enter the same number of Body sections as the 'Body Amount' category.
Rex below the minimum 150x150px requirements falls into this category. This bonus is instead of Flat Colored or Shaded/Painted. Undersize art cannot score above Planes OR Elements BG.
This is for both digital 3D works (such as colored models in Blender) and physical 3D works (such as clay models). [to be expanded soon]
Any background that has colors, shapes or patterns fall under this category. Photographs that you have personally taken will also count for this.
Your background has at least 3 Planes, or at least 3 Elements, but not both. Planes must be rendered enough to be identifiable as more than a block of color, and Elements must be visually distinct from one another. (Refer to the Art and MP Requirements guide for further details.)
Your background has at least 3 Planes and at least 3 Elements. Planes must be rendered enough to be identifiable as more than a block of color, and Elements must be visually distinct from one another; duplicate objects do not count. (Refer to the Art and MP Requirements guide if you are unsure.)
Very basic and short animations: head bobbing, blinking and wiggling lines fall under this.
Puppet style animations, no more than 10 frames for hand drawn, elaborate effects.
The most elaborate animations: more than 10 frames hand-drawn, many moving parts, and so on.
Your Rex is depicted using their magic in a visible manner. Refer to the Magic Requirements guide if you are unsure.
The minimum size requirement for a companion is 50x50 pixel to qualify for this bonus, and for their effect. The companion must match the design of the companion in your Rexal's Attainments Tab, and the rexal may only earn this bonus once, even if multiple of their companions are depicted in a single piece.
If you include a rex that is owned by another player together with your own rex, check this box.
> Only to be used for personal rex art.
Rexals must be linked under the artwork for this to count!
A jeweled necklace, golden ring, piercings, etc.
A pair of glasses, a belt, a satchel, etc. Tools such as swords and prosthetic limbs are also permitted if they are worn.
A large piece of clothing such as a toga, coat, pants/skirts, etc.
Remember: Unless stated otherwise, you can only claim the bonus for the Rexal being rolled. Quests, Events and Courtships that are yet to be used/rolled will not be eligible for these bonuses, but they can be reclaimed here once they are rolled.
CoAC, BoL, DoE
The counter operates via every 100 words, although it will round up if you are at or over the 50 words mark between each hundred.
650 words = Count 7
649 words = Count 6
We use word counter to determine how many words your submission has. Put the number of words your rex was present here!
Use this section if you wrote about your own Rexal and they are the main focus of the story.
Enter the same word count as the box above. If that word count is over 1400, put 1400.
Personal Literature caps at 14 points.
(Never put more than 1400 here!)
Roleplay VS Collabs
Roleplays and collabs in literature are handled differently in rexalia.
What's the difference?
Collaborations are generally one piece of literature that is written seamlessly. You cannot tell who played who and you can't divide each participants effort into their own chunks of art. For example, if you both wrote a part of the story and each person wrote both rex equally, then you finalized each other's writing, this would be a true collab.
Roleplays on the other hand have parts that were clearly written by one or the other person, don't have god modding (controlling the other's character without clear consent) and can be clearly divided into parts.
How do I grade each of these?
While collab literature, just like actual art (mentioned down below), can be graded just like you would've written it yourself, including the personal art bonus, roleplays can not.
Roleplays should be clearly divided into sections (for example divided with ---) and only the sections you wrote, can be counted!
Collabs and Rating Art of Others
Collaborations are graded exactly like personal art! This is the collaboration bonus, which you get for doing less work, having fun with others and still get every other additional bonus available for said art piece!
So if you grade collabs, feel free to simply tally points as if you drew it all yourself!
However, for collaborations, remember to still list what you have done (ex: background, lineart or draft, editing grammar). Just to make sure everyone put in some work!