After a long talk, back aching the whole while, Feronia glanced down at her water for a moment and thought it'd turned into tea, which has made its way into your achievements! As she finally managed to stand up, practically cracking each individual vertebrae of her spine as she did so, she reached behind her neck to see a Common Crystal Shard Deposit had gotten lodged in between the plates somehow! Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.
Comment by Jadewulf on August 28, 2024, 4:12 am
Fixed hopefully xD
Comment by moonflowerrs on September 6, 2024, 3:06 pm
After a long talk, back aching the whole while, Feronia glanced down at her water for a moment and thought it'd turned into tea, which has made its way into your achievements! As she finally managed to stand up, practically cracking each individual vertebrae of her spine as she did so, she reached behind her neck to see a Common Crystal Shard Deposit had gotten lodged in between the plates somehow! Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.