Breeding & Gene Mechanics
Our breeding system is a little different than other ARPGs!
In Rexalia the offspring's markings are not only rolled from the genes of the parents but also the grandparents. Additionally, there is always a chance for a random magic color or gene to appear, even if it occurs nowhere in the lineage. These are called mutations.
Mutations may take the form of traits, which result in physical changes to your Rexal. Most traits provide cosmetic changes only, however some do provide a gameplay advantage.
How To Submit A Breeding
Breeding is not available at all times. Every so often the elders will lift the magic that keeps rexals from being able to reproduce and allow new rexals to be brought into the world. Only rexals who have completed their Coming Of Age Ceremony may successfully produce offspring. Before deciding to breed your rexals, please refer to the breeding rules on the group rules page.
Breeding Items

Item usages
Items must be written in the form when submitting your breeding request. Items cannot be retroactively used after your breeding request is rolled, so please remember to use any desired items! Items must also be in your inventory at the time of usage, if it is not available in your inventory, it cannot be applied.
Slots can be sold, traded, or even gifted. These slots can come with various rules, such as allowing or disallowing inbreeding and courtship submissions (including what type of courtship submissions are allowed). When splitting a breeding, pick of the litter should also be specified. All rules should be stated in the written permissions that is linked in your form. When buying a slot, the seller may not make any claims to POTL, if the buyer wants to share the clutch afterwards, that is up to their discretion. Please be aware of what the rules are to a slot and ensure you are okay with them before purchasing/trading.
When using said slot, be very careful to not only be sure you're okay with the rules of the slot, but to also follow them exactly. If a user is found to be breaking a rule, the breeding will be rejected.
Each breeding season you get to use 3 breeding entries. These can all be splits or full breedings, or it can be a different matchup of the two kind (for example, as 2 split and 1 full). ATTENTION - Doing a Split entry will count as an entry for BOTH participants, regardless of who posted the breeding.
To change the ownership of a slot, go to the Rexal's profile, and click on their "Slots" tab. From there, select a slot that is in your ownership and click on the "Details" button. This should redirect you to that specific slot's link. From here, you can fill out a form regarding the slot's permissions, and you can save it with the "Update Comment" button. Please note that the form cannot be edited once you have saved it, so make sure that everything looks correct! You can also transfer the slot without filling out the form at your own discretion, but keep in mind that the admins will not be able to help you as effectively in the case of a dispute due to the lack of written permissions. You can transfer the slot by scrolling down to the "Transfer Slot" window, typing in the other player's name, selecting them, and then hitting the "Transfer" button.
Please remember that you do not need a courtship when using an NPC or Elder breeding slot. These slots will always produce 2-4 offspring.
Courtship submissions are not required, however are recommended due to the benefits. Rexals bred without a courtship submission will produce either 1 or 2 offspring. However if a courtship submission is included, that number changes instead to 2-4 offspring.
Split breeding with another player will always result in 2 eggs. Split breeding with another player and using a courtship will always result in 4 eggs.
Courtship submissions and literature do not have to be done by you. You may have another user create your courtship submission, whether through trade, commission, or just as a favor, however the artist must give permission for you to use the image as a courtship. Please be mindful of any rules of your permissions if you are submitting a breeding using a purchased/traded/gifted slot.
Courtship submissions should follow the same art and literature rules that other images and literature follows. Furthermore, each courtship submission may only be used once - there will be repercussions if a user is found to be reusing courtship submissions for multiple breedings.
A courtship submission should also follow the following rules
Only available during September + October 2024
This special magic color will be passable during other times in other years! Keep a watch out for late winter breeding seasons.
Crystallos is a Seasonal Rarity marking mutation! In order to have a chance of it rolling in your clutch during this breeding season! Please read all the rules below, as well as the marking mutation page!
Crystallos Page
- All normal courtship rules still apply here.
- They must themed after cold foggy nights.
- Some examples for drawn images may be:
- first frost on the ground
- reflective eyes of animals in the distance
- Blueish, blue colorsets
- frosted flowers and leaves
- cold rain.
- For literature, it also must be spooky & chilly themed in some manner, or take place in such a setting! Some examples might be:
- stepping into the first frost of the year
- walking home during a foggy night
- the cold rolling over the land
- getting lost in a spooky place.
- In the case of a Mysterious Stranger, loutrophoros or NPC slot, you still need to have a courtship done in order for Crystallos to have a chance of rolling. This can be done as a solo courtship, depicting just the rex being bred with the NPC or Stranger (in the case of a NPCxNPC or StrangerxNPC, you will need to draw an NPC)!

Claiming a geno
In the future we hope to automate this process via the website.
How do halo/magic colors work?
hsl( YOUR COLOR NUMBER, 90%, 70% ) The two secondary values are always 90% and 70%! This ensures that all rex have the same saturation and lightness to their magic. Due to this, the colors are able to be mashed together without getting mudded! This means that halo colors are always a mixture of both parent's colors (unless a random mutation happens)!
For example:
We have the color
The roller will roll a color between those two, taking the "shortest path"!

This entire range is possible! In our case, the breeding roller rolled:
As you can see, these two are in between this range! But if you are lucky (or unlucky, depending on your color preferences), there is always a chance of a mutation, which will pick a completely random color from within the entire halo range.
Are there other colors?
Even with the risks we understand some players will choose to inbreed for lore reasons, but admins will always ask for confirmation that you wish to inbreed before rolling an inbreeding.
What are mutations?
What are the pass rates for markings and traits?
Markings and Traits pass rates are dependant on their rarity, with common being the easiest to pass, and very rare being the hardest.
If both parents have a marking the chances of it passing are greater than a single parent having the marking.
Dominant markings have a greater chance of passing down than recessive markings.
If a grandparent has a marking it has a chance to pass to the offspring.
Legendary markings, have no pass rate at all, and can only appear in breedings as a random mutation.
How does the roller roll each gene?
So you can see, if your parents both have a single gene, the roller will roll for that gene twice, which means about twice the chance of getting it!