Event: Your Place Reflects Your Soul

Your Place reflects your Soul


Draw or write about your Rexal inviting someone into their home for a warm beverage. It might be a customer, a friend, or another Rexal who needed help.

Everyone has a place they call home, and this is the place you must showcase for this event. Show us the inside of your rexal's home! If your rexal is a wanderer, was there ever a place they felt at home? A tavern or maybe their favorite shop? We want to see two rexals interacting inside a home, theirs or someone else's.



    - At least 2 Rexals must be present. They can both be owned by you, or one can be an NPC, or owned by another player.

    - The inside of a residence should feature prominently in your drawing, or be richly described in your writing.

    - If your Rexal does not have a home, they can visit someone who does. You may collaborate with another player to achieve this if you wish.

    - Whilst some Rex may feel at home in random spots in nature, for this event we want to see you draw or describe a home that has been built.

    - This event is lore complaint! It must take place within the world of Rexalia! Non-Rexalia characters are not permitted.

    - You may commission another artist to make your event entry.

    - To claim the reward you must submit the entry to this journal yourself.

    - If an entry features more than 2 player's rexals, the description must mention who is eligible to use the piece for reward claiming.

    - Each entry may be submitted for reward claiming by a maximum of 2 players. A Rexal owned by each player must feature in the artwork and meet the minimum requirements listed below.

Image Requirements
  • Canvases should be at least 500 x 500px
  • Backgrounds must be full color and meet the 3 Planes OR Elements standard
  • Two (2) Rexals must be at least 150 x 150px, full colour and show 5 body sections.
  • The inside of a Rexal-built residence should feature prominently as the background of your scene.
  • Architecture should reflect one of Rexalia's locations, namely The Dome, The Posian Islands, or The Crimson Cove
  • Literature Requirements
  • The minimum word count for a story featuring two (2) rex is 1000 words
  • Each additional player-owned Rex increases the total minimum word count required by +200.
  • Two (2) Rex should be present for the majority of the story.
  • The plot should focus on the residence, with at least 70% of your story occuring within a building.

  • Stuck? Consider some of these prompts.

      Remember, this event is about showcasing a Rexal's residence. Your artwork should focus heavily on the building and the contents of the home. What does it reveal about the way the owner lives? Consider how the guest feels about the home they are visiting:

      - Does it remind the guest of the home they grew up in? Are they appalled or amazed by the way this family lives? How does it compare to their own experience? Do they accidentally commit a faux pas?

      - Are there any items of note in the home that the guest is drawn to ask the owner about? Does the artwork on the wall showcase the owner's wealth, or perhaps it's a family heirloom.

      - Is the house well-built and insulated from weather, or do the residents have to rely on their magic or a central fire to keep warm? Is it comfortable for the guest? Do they have somewhere to sit?

      - Is the owner proud of the beverage they have served to the guest, or is it little more than hot water?

      - Does the house combine elements of both Dome and Posian Islands architecture? Perhaps it gives a clue to the heritage of the owner, or maybe it's been shabbily repaired with whatever materials they have available?

      - Does the house also serve as a business or maybe a workshop for the owner?

      - Do many different families live here? Do they share the space with animals?

      - Is the home lavishly decorated with textiles or is it a simple, but functional, residence?

    Click here for Art Requirements and Examples


    Click here for General Submission Rules



    This event will give you the achievement Shared Tea (Which will grant you 1x Herbal Tea and 500 dracm) and a random Common Crystal Shard.

    You may only earn this reward once, regardless of how many entries your Rex feature in.

    Each Rexal who meets the minimum requiremenets will be eligible for the +5MP Event/Quest bonus.


    This event begins in June and runs until the 31st August 2024.

    Rexal 1: (link to the rexalia.world import)
    Rexal 2: (link to the rexalia.world import)
    Entry: (link your image/literature)

    For this event your entries do not need to be hosted on dA if they only include 2 Rexals. Otherwise, please ensure you link all Rex in the description of your artwork and in the case of more than 2 owners, state who can use the entry to claim the rewards.

    Hey, stop!

    Want a little goodie for pride month? Fetch it


    Any entries posted after this comment will not be responded to.

    Though it wasn't a planned visit, Koryphaios was grateful to have such a gracious host as Aelius - especially when he so gladly showed him what made his home so very special. Much later, on his way back to the chair he'd claimed as his own, Koryphaios sat on something unexpectedly hard -- a Common Crystal Shard Deposit! 

    You have earned the Shared Tea Achievement!

    Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.

    Though he would never say it to Composure, one of the delights about visiting his son's home was when he eventually left, and returned to his own comfortable familiarity. All the same, that swell of pride from seeing the life his son was shaping for himself, from seeing his home taking form, gaining life and light, left a spring in his step and a warmth in his heart that had him looking forwards to visiting again.

    You have earned the Shared Tea Achievement and a Common Crystal Shard Deposit! 

    Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.

    Any lingering discomfort Aelius had about opening his home to Koryphaios began to fade as they made their way upwards, eager to share the view of the stars and his passion for the glittering night sky. Despite the circumstances that led them together, despite the rocky start, it was thanks to Koryphaios that Aelius had been able to make his house truly home - truly the observatory he had hoped it would be.

    You have earned the Shared Tea Achievement and a Common Crystal Shard Deposit! 

    Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.

    Rexal 1: Astenikós
    Rexal 2: Faolan
    Entry: Link
    Oh god oh no I'm not a writer please forgive me oTL

    Hi hi! This is a very lovely entry, but needs a bit more focus on the home, the actual interior of the place, before we can roll it! Interspersing thoughts and details on the feel of the home, what it evokes as opposed to just how it looks, or even some more comparison and contrast to Nikos' own previous room would be great!

    Once that's done, go ahead and reply to my comment and we'll get this rolled~!

    It may have been small, somewhat rough around the edges and certainly not as extravagant as he was used to, but Asthenikós couldn't help thinking that Faolan's home was as warm as and kind as he was. As he shifted, adjusting the blankets around him, the shine from a little crystal caught his eye....

    You have earned the Shared Tea Achievement and a Common Crystal Shard Deposit! 

    Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.

    Rexal 1: https://rexalia.world/rex/1559
    Rexal 2: https://rexalia.world/rex/2505
    Entry: https://www.deviantart.com/darkarcangel5/art/1093321270

    This was a group effort art. I did the sketch and lines, and my sis Darkarcangel73 did the coloring. 

    Hi! This is a great entry, unfortunately it doesn't meet the requirement stating: Architecture should reflect one of Rexalia's locations, either The Dome, The Posian Islands, or The Crimson Cove. As interesting a home as it is, the oven and cabinets are a bit too modern for what's found in any of these locations!

    Once you've made the update, go ahead and reply to this comment, and we'll get your rolls done.

    It was so nice to have company! Koaka happily showed Wrenektonne all around, telling him about his comfortable little home. As he passed by, a sparkle caught his eye from the back counter. What was that?

    You have earned the Shared Tea Achievement and a Common Crystal Shard Deposit! 

    Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.

    Hi! This is a great entry, unfortunately it doesn't meet the requirement stating: Architecture should reflect one of Rexalia's locations, either The Dome, The Posian Islands, or The Crimson Cove. As interesting a home as it is, the oven and cabinets are a bit too modern for what's found in any of these locations!

    Once you've made the update, go ahead and reply to this comment, and we'll get your rolls done.

    Koaka's home was incredibly cozy! Wrenektonne couldn't help admiring how carefully the fireplace had been built from his spot on the fur rug. But wait, what was that, glimmering off in the corner....?

    You have earned the Shared Tea Achievement and a Common Crystal Shard Deposit! 

    Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.

    oh yeah! Collab with my twin on this one @BlueComet5


    There was nothing easy about change, even less so about the way it sent ripples out across a community, but Velve and Dule already had what mattered most for the foundation of a warm home - each other's care and support. Later that night, when Dule had settled into bed, snuggled up into the very plain little pillow, he rolled over onto something hard.

    You have earned the Shared Tea Achievement and a Common Crystal Shard Deposit! 

    Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.

    Pyre stared at the handmade teacup in his paws for a few long moments after Ghaith had moved away. They, like the little home, were made by hand, by his son. Without him. Well, that was something he could respect - he would have to, either way. Once his father had quietly left and Ghaith was cleaning up the tea, sorting his thoughts into place, a little clink sounded from the bottom of the cup Pyre had used.

    You have earned the Shared Tea Achievement and a Common Crystal Shard Deposit

    Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.

    Rian stopping by to visit was a surprise, to be sure, but once Oleander adjusted it was a very welcome one. Alyanna was more than glad to see her friend, and insisted he not stay away so long next time! As Rian was leaving for the evening, a little sparkle caught his eye by the door.

    You have earned the Shared Tea Achievement and a Common Crystal Shard Deposit

    Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.