After enjoying some beautiful art and wondeful tea, Lethe found a Common Crystal Shard Deposit on his way back to his ship! Also, what's that? The tea he shared with Seia has found its' way into your achievements! Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.
We're sorry about the mix-up, you're correct! This was just a slight miscommunication that happened, enjoy your crystal shard!
Comment by moonflowerrs on August 12, 2024, 9:37 pm
After enjoying some beautiful art and wondeful tea, Lethe found a Common Crystal Shard Deposit on his way back to his ship! Also, what's that? The tea he shared with Seia has found its' way into your achievements! Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.
We're sorry about the mix-up, you're correct! This was just a slight miscommunication that happened, enjoy your crystal shard!
Comment by DrakElias on August 13, 2024, 7:56 am
No worries, no worries! Thank you so much <3