Even as Penelope judged every square inch of dust in Momus' home, and experiencing the worst tea possibly ever made- which has made its' way into your achievements- she felt an odd sense of hominess, Momus clearly spent plenty of time here. Just before she drifted off to sleep, she caught a glimpse of a Common Crystal Shard Deposit shining among the dust on the wooden floor. Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.
Comment by lovelytortoises on August 1, 2024, 1:08 am
Rexal 1: Momus
Rexal 2: Penelope
Entry: Humble Home, Humble Heart
Comment by moonflowerrs on August 19, 2024, 3:06 pm
Even as Penelope judged every square inch of dust in Momus' home, and experiencing the worst tea possibly ever made- which has made its' way into your achievements- she felt an odd sense of hominess, Momus clearly spent plenty of time here. Just before she drifted off to sleep, she caught a glimpse of a Common Crystal Shard Deposit shining among the dust on the wooden floor. Your common crystal shard can be randomly rolled with the "Use" button.