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Rexal: N/A (Semi Custom)
Item(s): x1 Common/Uncommon Semi Custom - DOM Fade [4], Swathes [2], Unders [1], Pinion [1]

x1 Enchanted Trait Tablet - Sundry


Osseus with FADE, swathes, unders, pinion

Magic: #c0f76e



The caretaker of the Dome's eggs and Orbitas looms over you. "That's a very specific request.." His voice is unusually cold and laced with hesitation. Canto's eyes lock with yours and you feel his mind brush against your own. 

The Elder is evaluating you, searching for a crack in your resolve, hoping that you might instead be swayed to adopt one of the many rex already in his care.

A sense of stillness returns to the room as a soft smile lights up Canto's face.

"I see your mind is set on this path."

Through your trustworthiness, or perhaps your intense desire, you have passed the Elder's scrutiny. 

As Canto steps towards you, you notice a marbled rexal egg cradled gently in the palm of his hand. You don't recall him holding that earlier, but before you can ask where it came from, he speaks.

"I would like you to watch after this one."

Your Semicustom has been redeemed. Thank you for supporting Rexalia! 

(The free marks are applied in design approval)

forgot to include free marks- free gradient, pawpads, pink sheen, accent and beauty marks if  the small dots by some stripes dont count for swathes <3