Item Description Worth
Mirror - Themsby Thoroughfare
Use this mirror to unlock the background 'Themsby Thoroughfare' for one import of your choice.

It's whispered that upon looking into this mirror, you will see yourself in the place of your desires. The bustling Themsby streets are a marvel, but I would watch where you step if I were you unless you wish to flatten one of the many rodent inhabitants.
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Blue Earring
Some might say that an earring is all you need to look dressed. For some, it serves as a status symbol, a sign of vanity; for others, it's a cherished heirloom passed down through generations. Tell me - what does yours mean to you?
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Green Cowl
A fine piece of craftsmanship straight from a Themsby artisan! Wear it with pride, for each piece has its own unique embroidery.
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