Item Description Worth
Bay Leaves
You better believe it's bay leaves! These are great for flavoring stews and soups.
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Charmed Marble
With this you may further customise the shape of your Rexal.
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Charmed Clay
With this you may customise the shape of your Rexal.
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This wood used to drift, but now it's yours. Will you set it free... for a price
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Prawns are a favored delicacy. Unfortunately, you would need so many to fill a rex's belly that a single prawn won't sell for a premium price despite their appeal.
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Charmed Collar
This item will allow your Rex to adopt a companion!
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  • Can be used to grow your adolescent companion into a customized adult.
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    Smithery Snail
    Despite the hydrothermal vents' inhospitable temperatures, this critter is perfectly happy to call the waters nearby home. Its shell and the sclerites covering its foot are partially made of iron, which is how the species got its name. If you can stand to deshell it, you may be able to make something out of them.
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    Giant Clam
    A giant clam is a rare treat for rexals and reserved for special occasions. They're preferably eaten raw but can be cooked. The meat is crunchy with a delicate sea flavor.
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    Nautilus Shell
    The nautilus has left the building! Still, one mollusc's loss is another's gain. These shells are considered good luck charms by those inside the dome, with the stripes bringing to mind a rex's neck armor. One will often find full shells used as décor and shards of them embedded in jewellery.
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    Oysters are common rex fare and they maintain several oyster reefs to keep the population fed. Oysters not from the farms are a rare sight, but still just as tasty—lucky you!
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    Smooth Conch
    Rex inside the dome have an affinity towards all shells, but conchs hold special significance. It's traditional to grant a furred hatchling a smooth conch to carry with them until their coming of age ceremony. After the ceremony, they will either smash it or fashion it into a useful item like a horn—the representation of them leaving their childhood behind.
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    Spiny Conch
    Rex inside the dome have an affinity towards all shells, but conchs hold special significance. It's traditional to grant an armored hatchling a spiny conch to carry with them until their coming of age ceremony. After the ceremony, they will either smash it or fashion it into a useful item like a horn—the representation of them leaving their childhood behind.
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    A scutella scuttling across the sodden sand is a sight indeed! This sea urchin, however, is quite dead. Still, some rex collect their skeletons, smooth and bleached white by the sun. Collecting is especially popular among hatchlings and you'll often see them trading their decorated scutella outside the classroom.
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    [Seed] Grapefruit
    Grapefruits can typically only be found at the Crimson Cove, do you dare take on the challenge of planting your own tree?
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    [Seed] Olive
    Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' olive, stayin' olive.
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    [Seed] Apple
    An apple a day will keep the doctor away, but the same cannot be said for the seeds.
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    [Seed] Barley
    At this point it's barely barley, give it another two or three months!
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    [Seed] Bay Laurel
    The bay leaves it produces are good for cooking, but if one has a treeful they could also fashion a wreath out of them—it is a little victory to cultivate a bay laurel, after all.
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    [Seed] Grape
    The shape of a grape vine as it drapes on landscapes, divine.
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    [Seed] Lentil
    One lentil is an investment; many lentils make a good soup.
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    [Seed] Pomegranate
    Blood, sweat and tears were shed to obtain this seed—oh, it's just pomegranate juice? Never mind then...
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    [Seed] Fig
    Figs are a staple of the rex diet and you will have no trouble selling the fruits of your labor. Go fig-ure!
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    What a catch! Rexals value sharkskin highly, as they work it as a water-resistant leather to create accessories, handles for tools, etcetera. It also provides a good portion of meat. However, since shark is quick to go bad it's usually cured and eaten as a snack. Good for on the go and a favourite of voyagers.
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    These grapes are for dining, rather than wining. They're best eaten sprawled on a klinē while lowering the entire bunch into your waiting maw.
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    Fresh Water
    Collected from the river or the wells scattered throughout the dome, bring your own oenochoe!
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    A small knife for cutting, peeling, skinning, mincing, and dicing. A must-have in the kitchen.
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    Bundle of Small Sticks
    Perfect for starting fires. A word of advice, however: starting fires in inopportune places is called arson.
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    Piece of Coral
    Beautiful but brittle, a piece of coral serves best as decoration—whether it be in the home or around one's neck.
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    It is said that rex cuisine was built on the back of the humble anchovy. They are oftentimes cured, which brings out their strong flavour. They are used in moderation to flavour dishes, but also to make gáros—an infamous rexalian condiment.
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    Sunken Coin
    A certain Elder is a collector of coins. Carrying a sunken coin with you is a symbol of respect and a prayer for fortune to find your way. You can also sell these to their followers for a tidy sum.
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    A dessert made of flaky pastry with a mixed nut stuffing, drowned in sticky syrup. There's a rumor that one of the Elder's diets consists solely of Gastrin—and that their tears are sweet due to it.

    This sweet dish will give you 5% more chance to find rarer loot while doing Drudgery!
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    Loukoumades are a hatchling's favorite treat! Sticky paws are sure to be had as they eat their way through these sweet and fluffy fried dough balls. They're traditionally served stacked like a pyramid, but that arrangement never lasts long.

    Rolled in honey, these bring the sweet flavor of a whole lot of 10% more chance to bring rarer loot while Scouting in areas that are not labelled as dangerous.
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    Grilled Fish
    Just a fish. Grilled over a fire and seasoned with sea salt, simple yet delicious. A staple of dinners everywhere!

    An all time favorite that will guarantee that you rexal will bring home +2 extra items while Deep Diving or Scouting.
    (The item will be displayed with your normal loot: If you originally rolled 3 items, a fourth and fifth will be added, etc)
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    Lentil Soup
    A thick soup with plenty of vegetables, a bit of cheese, spices, oil, vinegar, and of course... lentils. Hate or love the texture, it's sure to fill you up.

    Gives a 5% chance of rarer items in Scouting and Deep Diving.
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    The spice of life, or in this case, the mineral of life. Valuable for its ability to preserve food without the use of magic.
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    Charmed Fabric
    With this you may decorate your Rexal's import with a large article of clothing.
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