Washed Ashore Kelp
Washed Ashore Kelp
Lore Description
Ah, a tangled, wind tussled toupee, all the latest fashion in the Posian Isles. But it smells a little.... fishy.
Unfortunatley, it's price is nearly ridiculious! What was Helene thinking?!
Locations Posian Island Event Diftwood Shop
Applications Wardrobe Item
About this item
Wardrobe items are stored in the mirror tab on your rexal's profile. There you can choose which ones you want to have displayed at the given time by clicking the item you want to add or remove!

CAREFUL! Putting items into a rexals wardrobe consumes them, which means you cannot take them out again. They will get deleted from your inventory.

Apply at your own risk!

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