MP Rank Up
MP Rank Up
Post below to claim your Rexal's Magic Rank Up rewards
Rewards for completing your rexal's CoAC, BoL and DoE will be awarded in their respective journals upon completion.
MP cards are automatically checked through the website. You do not need to submit them anywhere. Check your rexal's MP count regularly to see if they are eligible for rank-up rewards!
Rexal: (link to your import)
Expected Rank: (your new magic rank, eg. Regal III)
Expected Rank: (your new magic rank, eg. Regal III)
Your rexal has been granted:
- 2 additional Breeding Slots (a total of 9)
Since the system has now automated the rank-up text, your rexal is already all good to go!
Your rexal has been granted:
- 2 additional Breeding Slots (a total of 7)
Your rexal has been granted:
- 2 additional Breeding Slots (a total of 7)
Your rexal has been granted:
- 2 additional Breeding Slots (a total of 7)
Your rexal has been granted:
- 2 additional Breeding Slots (a total of 9)
Your rexal's rank has been updated to Regal II
Your rexal has been granted:
- 2 additional Breeding Slots (a total of 9)
Your rexal has been granted:
- 2 additional Breeding Slots (a total of 13)
Comment by Tridile on November 18, 2023, 11:04 am
Rexal: Sanguine
Expected Rank: Regal III
Comment by GlacialFalls on November 19, 2023, 4:03 am
Your rexal has been granted: