MP Point Add-Ons
MP Point Add-Ons
Post below to apply Activity/Ascension/Courtship/Event/Quest Bonuses to your already counted MP-Cards
Please limit each comment to a maximum of 5 MP-LOG changes! You may post multiple comments.
Remember, you cannot apply or change anything else in MP-Cards for now!
For your convenience, we recommend waiting until submissions are rolled before submitting them for MP!

Rexal: (link to your import)
MP-Card changes: (dA links of the images that were counted here & the corresponding MP-card numbers).

Rexal: C304 Combustia
MP-Card changes: #MPLOG-3348 Needs Soucting rolled and  +2 MP added 

Your card has been updated, and your loot was rolled! 

2x Terracotta Kylix

Rexal: C304 Combustia
MP-Card changes: #MPLOG-3541 Needs +2 MP for Drudgery added

 #MPLOG-3422 Needs +4 CoAC bonus added

 #MPLOG-3351 Needs +2 MP for Drudgery added

Rexal: C273 Siderius
MP-Card changes:   #MPLOG-1686 (lit) Needs Drudgery rolled and  +2 MP added 

#MPLOG-2642 Needs Soucting rolled and  +2 MP added 

Your cards have been updated, and your loot was rolled! 

1x [Seed] Barley
1x [Seed] Grape

2x Oil Lamp
1x Rotting Meat

Rexal: C273 Siderius
MP-Card changes: #MPLOG-2630 Needs +2 MP for Deep Diving and diving box check added

#MPLOG-2629 Needs +2 MP for Drudgery added

#MPLOG-1687 Needs +4 CoAC bonus added


Rexal: C273 Siderius
MP-Card changes: #MPLOG-2650 Needs +2 MP for Scouting added

#MPLOG-2649 Needs +2 MP for Drudgery added

#MPLOG-2646 Needs +2 MP for Deep Diving and diving box check added

#MPLOG-2645 Needs +2 MP for Scouting added

#MPLOG-2631 Needs +2 MP for Scouting added

Rexal:  C228 Inumbra

MP-Card changes: #MPLOG-4028 Needs Scouting rolled and  +2 MP added 

Your card has been updated, and your loot was rolled! 

1x Fresh Water
1x Pottery Shards

Rexal: C169 Meretrix
MP-Card changes: #MPLOG-2651 Needs Scouting rolled and +2 MP added

Your card has been updated, and your loot was rolled! 

1x Bee
1x Rotting Meat
1x Fresh Water

Rexal: C161 Aspis
MP-Card changes: #MPLOG-1363 Needs Scouting rolled and +2 MP added

Your card has been updated, and your loot was rolled! 

1x Antler
1x Pheasant Egg
1x Braided Bracelet