MP Point Add-Ons
MP Point Add-Ons
Post below to apply Activity/Ascension/Courtship/Event/Quest Bonuses to your already counted MP-Cards
Please limit each comment to a maximum of 5 MP-LOG changes! You may post multiple comments.
Remember, you cannot apply or change anything else in MP-Cards for now!
For your convenience, we recommend waiting until submissions are rolled before submitting them for MP!

Rexal: (link to your import)
MP-Card changes: (dA links of the images that were counted here & the corresponding MP-card numbers).

MP-Card changes:  8->10 and 8->10 for personal rex and shading per comments here [I have just realized i dunno if we're supposed to link to corespondance, but its in there?]

This card never got approved for the base MP, so I have sent it off to the team! When they're approved, you'll also get the +4 courtship bonus. 
(I also checked Lurche's card and send that through as well)

Rexal: Velve
MP-Card changes: MP-LOG and DA link

Rexal: Dule
MP-Card changes: MP-LOG and DA link

Both need the same Quest/event bonus!


Rexal: Messier
MP-Card changes: MP-Log and DA Link

MP-Card changes: MP-Log and DA Link

Courtship bonus for both need to be added!

Hey there! Have an older CoAC that never got approved properly!

Rexal: Tendy
MP-Card changes: