



Rex with Umbra used to be fairly stigmatized. It was said that a permanent blemish has been left on their family line which shows through their coat. Luckily, younger rexes have started dismissing this as an old wives' tale, but elders might still turn their nose up at those with this shady marking.


Marking Rarity


Marking Layering

Marking Colors




Marking Edges

Symmetry Rules


  •  Umbra must either appear as a dark gradient overlaying the design or as an inversion of colors in parts of the design.
  • The dark gradient should overlay all other markings and should be semi-transparent, allowing the underlying design to be seen. Transparency should be between 75%-95%.
  • If Umbra is used to invert colors, the affected area can be soft-edged or mimic chimerism.
  • Regardless of its form, Umbra should cover 40%-60% of the design.
  • The Umbra marking is always layered on top unless a marking is naturally white.
  • Arcane can only affect Gradient Umbra!
  • Umbra is only able to inverse the rexals coat! This means you cannot change the color of their flesh, skin (this includes the pink sheen layer), eyes, apertures or magic color. Anything in the 'Extras' Layergroup and above should be left alone.
  • Umbra must include a version with non reversed colors for mods to check over!


Copy paste these images directly into your art program over your design and set them to multiply for the best work effect.
Alternatively you can download the boundary PSDs with the marking boundaries!

There are no Boundaries for Umbra. There are no Boundaries for Umbra.



The Umbra marking offers two unique presentation options that impact the design significantly.

  • Gradient Effect: This form of Umbra appears as if half the design is dipped into a dark gradient. This dark gradient overlays all other markings, lending a shadowy effect to the design.
  • Inverted Colors: Alternatively, Umbra can invert parts of the design. It acts in patches or splits the design in half, with one half showing inverted colors and the other half retaining the normal colors. The resulting effect can mimic the appearance of chimerism seen in animals, or it can have soft, blended edges for a more subtle transition.

It's essential to note that the Umbra marking should always cover between 40% to 60% of the design, maintaining a balanced appearance.

Here we have the two ways to portray Umbra. Which one is your choice, but you can only do one and the other.

Arcane, though, can only affect the gradient version!



Here's a guide for how to design reverse colors:

This is what our layer setup looks like after we finished the design fully. 

Now, lets get on the inversion part. 

I copied the entire rexal layer, then I merged the color layer. 

Now we can reverse the layer. (I then copied it and put it above the Lines layer to color the lines again. This is optional, but make sure your lines are still darker than what lays beneath, even if you color them by hand!)

Here is how I reverse colors in CSP:

Edit > Tonal Correction > Reverse Gradient

This is different for every program! 

Now I merged all the layers in the dublicated 'furred' group and clipped it to the old rexal (Furred) group!

Now I can start erasing from it. (Or you can use a mask.)

Here we are! All finished and done!

When Umbra is dominant, it has the ability to reverse the colors of the entire design. 

Here is the normal design! Here is the Dom Umbra design!