Part 2

Finnianos took the beautiful orb into his hands, and his magic sparked, the apertures on his throat glowing brightly.
Then he knew.
I was present. Fleetly traversing the boundless sea. Alas, such splendor forfeited to the firmament. I yearned to unveil it unto the sky. To him. The marvels of her main. I desired to break the shores that would burgeon from it, elevating them unto the heavens. The magic I now wield are of unparalleled potency to me. Since shifting into this being I now embody, I find myself coveting ever more. Verily, there are no bounds in sight, of the lore that lies deeply entombed within us. We do possess knowledge. We are capable of all feats.
And as I vaulted from the aqua, the terra did with me. Together we danced. I am agog to show it to one I hold so dear. One of my kin, he will surely revel in it.
Yet, the earth rends asunder, my wondrous color sinking within the fissures. It scares me.
This was an error.
With the earth, the thunder of my own making ascends. I have wrought excessively. This was not of my intention. I am caught in my own tempest that has engulfed the sea and the lands. I am breaking the earth and myself!
I must not surrender. He would tarry an aeon! Tears I would love him not to shed.
I confine my magic within the terra of the land I have forged. What a dire misdeed I have done. Intended as a simple gift of beauty, yet here it lies. I wish it to rot.
Reaching another isle not far hence, I breathe not well. I write to whom I hope will discover it. Pray, my beloved, hold not this present dear, for I shall not be present to rejoice in thy felicity.
And as I vaulted from the aqua, the terra did with me. Together we danced. I am agog to show it to one I hold so dear. One of my kin, he will surely revel in it.
Yet, the earth rends asunder, my wondrous color sinking within the fissures. It scares me.
This was an error.
With the earth, the thunder of my own making ascends. I have wrought excessively. This was not of my intention. I am caught in my own tempest that has engulfed the sea and the lands. I am breaking the earth and myself!
I must not surrender. He would tarry an aeon! Tears I would love him not to shed.
I confine my magic within the terra of the land I have forged. What a dire misdeed I have done. Intended as a simple gift of beauty, yet here it lies. I wish it to rot.
Reaching another isle not far hence, I breathe not well. I write to whom I hope will discover it. Pray, my beloved, hold not this present dear, for I shall not be present to rejoice in thy felicity.
To be continued...
Quest: A wondrous festival
Meanwhile, the mood on the Posian Islands had improved. The storm had calmed, and although light rain still fell, the villagers reveled in the beauty of the leftover magic gently leaking from the cliffs. This, clearly, would too twindle in the future.Both Dome and Posian rexals were busy with cleanup efforts, with military assistance. Although houses were partially destroyed and cherished possessions broken, everyone was relieved that no lives had been lost; thanks largely to the Dome rexals who had responded promptly to the call for help. Not all Posian rexals welcomed them with open arms, but those who had experienced the greatest need discovered that, while the old land's rexals might not be as modern, they could indeed make good friends.
It was just a week later that the mayor announced proudly that those from the Dome are once again welcomed to visit the islands freely without judgment. Their help proved them as more than old fashioned.
A two week long celebration was announced to be held sponsored by those of more possessions. Good food would be served in the city square of Themsby with nightly dances and music. Those that had helped were given gifts, pelts and masks to show their braveness and willingness to work together.
This quest requires the rex participating in it to have completed at least 1 of the Posian Island Quests given by these items 'Quest: Town' or Quest: Storm'! The reward items can be given to any rex, though.
Login to claim this giveaway.

Somewhere different… Darker… Colder…
The first pyramid has been activated.
Travel Between Safe Havens
Rexals can now make use of pyramids to move between their safe havens. These pyramids serve as magical teleportation tools that only transport the physical forms of Rexals, due to their own magical nature. No possessions or belongings are able to join them.Each teleportation pyramid is linked with another; one remains stationary near the Dome. Its counterpart emerges when the Domes pyramid is activated, signaling the establishment of a safe haven in an area deemed secure for Rexals. However the reliability of these havens can sometimes be uncertain.
The main pyramids near the Dome are quite a sight; it’s about 70 metres on each side - cloaked in black with glowing lines along its sides. The secondary pyramids at the safe havens are much smaller, only 20 metres wide; yet they share that same design.
Each pair of pyramids have their own colour; different depending on where they connect to. In the Posian Islands, the pyramid's lines shine with a bright golden hue.
The Posian Islands are now unlocked for Scouting and Drudgery, with 'scouting' sporting brand new items for the area. Drudgery will have it's normal loot pool.
End Notes
Thank you all for playing our first story event! We've learned a lot during it and will try to implement what we learned in future events! Yay!
A few coding hiccups could also be grabbed violently and have been fixed, which is always a plus in my book!
Sadly, the shop couldn't update as many times as we had wanted due to multiple factors. But no worries, items will make their way into the game one way or another!
Now that the event is over, the sticks in your inventory will lose their purpose. The currency won't come back, so feel free to sell them for dracm (Or let them stay if you just happen to enjoy sticks!).
Next month, nothing of note will happen for already established players! Everyone deserves a little break after such a long event! During this time, you are very welcome to try out the new scouting area~
On another note, the next opening will be happening soon! Watch out for an announcement in the discord!
A few coding hiccups could also be grabbed violently and have been fixed, which is always a plus in my book!
Sadly, the shop couldn't update as many times as we had wanted due to multiple factors. But no worries, items will make their way into the game one way or another!
Now that the event is over, the sticks in your inventory will lose their purpose. The currency won't come back, so feel free to sell them for dracm (Or let them stay if you just happen to enjoy sticks!).
Next month, nothing of note will happen for already established players! Everyone deserves a little break after such a long event! During this time, you are very welcome to try out the new scouting area~
On another note, the next opening will be happening soon! Watch out for an announcement in the discord!