Divinity of Eternity
Magic is more than just convenient. For some it's a way of life, for other's nothing of interest. However, to step up in one's rank, one must find their own enchantments. If that is magic or anything else, everyone has to find the place they want to belong, even though that place might just be a feeling.
Images - The minimum size is 500x500px - Backgrounds must be full color (greyscale allowed) and meet the 3 Planes OR Elements standard. - Rexals must be at least 150x150px, full colour (greyscale allowed), shaded and show 5 body sections.
Literature - The minimum word count for one Rexal is 700 words - Each additional player-owned Rex increases the minimum word count by +400. - Rexals should be present for the majority of the story. - The plot should center around the DoE prompt, for at least 70% of the piece. |
Prompt Options
Tailored By The Past
To end up at this point in your life, you had to go through certain events that you aren't too fond to recall. However, to find one's place in this world, you must accept the past that lead you to your destination. What was it for you that brought you here? Was there once certain hardships that you had to overcome? A point in your life that shaped your future?
Depict or write about your rexal's past big event that shaped their future!
Vow To The Dreams
Dreams are wonderful and beautiful things. We dream of the stars and the heavens, the depths of what lays beneath the surface of the earth. Nightmares flavor the nights, just like the wonders of the dark unknown, deep within the fog that rolls upon the lands.We cannot escape what emerges when we sleep, but we can control and mold them with enough willpower.
Depict or write about a dream that stuck with your rex!
If One Thing Is Sure It's I Wanna Hear Your Lore
This prompt has near total freedom, provided it adheres to the lore restrictions of Rexalia. As our characters grow they develop traits that become well known even to other artists in our community. This is the culmination of all your efforts - put all your strength into this last prompt and give it your all!
Depict or write about your Rex!
Reflections Around Us
Our lives are shaped by a great many things. For some, those around us make us the person we end up being. For others, perhaps it was just your ingrained nature, the convergence of various souls of the ancients before who would eventually become you. What does your place in the world mean to you? Are you merely one of a greater whole? Or are the dangers of the world and limitations placed by others merely obstacles to be overcome?
Depict or write about your Rex!