Akoya And Void


Rex in these colors are said to be touched by the ancients themselves. Akoya is said to be their tears and Void is said to be their blood.




  • You are able to pick one color or put multiple nuances of the base coat on your rex.
  • Markings on these coats are allowed to have nuances too, but must always be clearly defined and can not have different values for these nuances! Saturation and value must stay the same.
  • Nuances must be fully blended and not accidentally mimic other soft markings.
  • However, you do not have to put nuances if you don't like them.
  • Markings for these base coats can not be more saturated than 16%
  • You are also allowed to desaturate your base coat entirely from one of the akoya/void hues. However, if you do this, make sure your markings are still able to show!
  • Always make sure markings are able to show nicely on your design! They must: not be too dark for the lineart to be visible and be clearly not a part of the base coat. 
    Only ever pick the darkest hue for void, if you can do these things OR only have lighter markings! Same with akoya: Don't make your design so light that white markings are barely able to show.

  • Akoya and Void do only have to show the markings you want them to show. They do not have to show any markings and all markings are simply able to pass if you want to omit them.

Omitting Markings

Rex born with this  basecoat don't always show all markings. Which ones show are entirely dependent on you. You can choose if you only want to choose any marking amount, none or all of them. Feel free to play around with this.


Marking Guide


Akoya and Void can both have very interesting marking behaviors. Aside from the guide below, Akoya and Void are also able to use any slider as their 'adjacent' slider. Which means you have a lot to choose from. Remember, though, they still can not use the arcane slider on the top and only the base and the somber slider.



Akoya/Void and Special Interactions with other Markings


Akoya/Void + Fog   /   Akoya/Void + Fade


Both of these markings don't show on these coats, since they are already implemented and doable in a way! They are, however, carried!



Akoya/Void + Varnish



Akoya/Void + Other color mods and markings

Other color mods always override the akoya/void rules! For example: Pigment will still color a marking in a single pastel color.


Akoya/Void + White/Black markings

All white markings (such as rain, snowed or jetwash) must still be picked from their respective guides! However, if you cannot make them work, due to darkness/lightness of the coat, you are allowed to have them carried and not show them on the design.