Announcement - Upcoming Hiatus

Hey everyone!

Please read the entire journal before commenting!
Many of your questions might be answered already,
but are easy to miss!

We have a very serious announcement today. I'll try to keep it brief, but unfortunately, there's a lot to cover.

Lately, we've been receiving more and more feedback that the promise of Rexalia being less ARPG and more roleplay-focused hasn't been met in many areas, and we have to agree. Right now, the head moderators and I are not happy with the direction that parts of the game have been headed. We've tried our best to make everyone happy, but in doing so, a lot of the original idea has been lost, and many of you have noticed that. Rexalia was always meant to function in its own way. While we all love traditional ARPGs, this one wasn't meant to be one, but it was accidentally pushed in that direction more and more. This is our fault, and we want to fix it!

One of the biggest concerns we've heard throughout the Beta, is that the breeding system does not work for a lore-based game. Lineage-specific children are particularly difficult to create within the current game, as you have to try repeatedly to get exactly the geno you need for your story.

We are determined to change this!

In order to shift the game back towards one that rewards and encourages character progression and storytelling, we'll need some time to implement changes. Unfortunately we won't be able to do this while the game is live, so we will have to put the group in hiatus. We're very sorry for the inconvenience but hope this one will really, really be worth it!

The group will go on hiatus from the end of October for 4-5 months, depending on how easy it is for us to implement the changes. These changes will involve a heavy recode of many aspects of the website, which will take most of that time since I also just got a new job (I know, how dare! ) and will have to juggle everything in between.


Let's preface: We know that this is a big change, and change is scary! However, we truly hope you will love it. Since Rexalia opened we've been overwhelmed by the player support and you have inspired us to keep going and improving on the game. The project is so important to us and we are more than honored to know that it is to many of you as well. Never would we have imagined that we would end up with as big of a group as it came to be. You are the reason for that, and you have our genuine thanks. ๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™‚๏ธ

If you'd like to take a break from Rexalia, we understand, and we only want for you to be happy in a space that you are comfortable in. We're truly blessed for you to have been a part of this amazing community and we love you! Feel free to come back and visit us any time!

So what's the big change? Well... let's say breeding will significantly change.

We will be changing to a system similar to that of semi-customs. Read that again, yes, I said semi-customs //Waves car sales sign wildly!

This means breeding outcomes will be mostly what you choose (with limitations) from the parents' lineages. Instead of litters of 3-4 pups, it will however, only be 1 or 2 pups per breeding.

This system is still heavily in the works, but if everything works out like we planned, you will have a LOT more freedom with this!

Unfortunately at this time we can't go into further details than this about how this SC based system will work!

We know you love your randomized breedings so you will still be able to request a random roll for your markings if you don't want to choose yourself. Additionally we will finally be releasing eggs into ARs if you'd like to scratch that RNG itch!

What we want:

  • More accessible marking crystals!
  • More ways to customize Rexals!
  • Better ways to get exactly the character you want to work with!
  • All that without worrying about the impact on the breeding system.

One of our biggest concerns was always how to balance the game. We never thought breedings would affect things so much as they did. But now, with this system, we hope that each and every Rexal will end up being useful in one manner or another.

What about slots that you purchased or have gotten from others?

Slots will likely function in a similar manner to the current system, full details will come after the hiatus. We will have one last breeding season in September and October in case you want that RNG heartbreak one last time.(Excuse me Know I am kidding! I wish you all the luck during this breeding season!). During this breeding season you will be able to breed 5 times instead of 3. Get those babies out there one last time before our long overhaul!

What else?

We really want more lore pages. More quests, better guides, more website things and a customized wardrobe system where you can make your own wardrobe items.

Additionally we want to introduce an adoption system that allows found egg rexals to be adopted into a lineage. Those will be indicated as adopted somehow in the lineage with either an icon or another color (Specifics about this will also come after the hiatus).

This is not all; however, we can't say more at the current time. During the hiatus, we will sit down and truly redefine what we would like to see from the group with the help of the suggestions you've sent in. We really hope you can forgive us for another hiatus and for the mistakes we've made in the past. Rexalia is a passion project for us and the last thing we want to see is for it to become something we've not envisioned.

What about the duchess?

With all of these changes, I cannot open the cash shop with a clear conscience. I am so sorry, everyone, but imagining a sale in a game that will go on hiatus for so long doesn't sit right with me. I know many of you really hoped for an opening, but I do not want anyone to get something and not get their money's worth. Don't worry about the server, though! The Rexalia bank account still has enough for the expenses to be covered for a while and after, I will cover them personally.

As a last thing:

Please keep it civil in the discord. You are free to voice your opinion, either for or against these changes, but you are not free to get rude. Again, we would love to please everyone, but we have to make sure we are creating a game that we enjoy as well.

Know that while we would love to answer everyone's questions about this, everything mentioned here is the most we can say currently. Development and implementation will take time, and there is always a chance that specifics may change.

Here's the dates for you at a quick glance:

  • The current breeding season will conclude as normal
  • September to October (spooky season) we will hold our last breeding event with the old system. 5 slots instead of 3 with a chance of a special something if you draw a spooky courtship with new requirements (no spoilers yet!)
  • During October we will have a little event for you where you can get a Sanguine Applicator instead of it appearing in the shop!
  • From the End Of October on the group will go on hiatus for approximately 4 months

Remember that we value every one of you. To many of us Rexalia became our home and we hope we can continue to share what we create with you.

~ Vuek

Glad to hear the rng option will still be available! I like rng

Thank you for this gorgeous announcement! And for giving us time to process the change before it happens. Ya'll are doing beautifully. <3

I'm so excited for the new breeding system ^^