



Rexals with this trait are seen to be extremely beautiful. Their elegant fur or bold armor are said to be gifts from the elders themselves, should they be born with them. The elders, however, say no such thing...


  • Obsitum is a trait that allows Rexals to grow more scales or fur than they normally would!
  • Rexals still must still follow their anatomy.
    • Rexals can never have spikes or horns
    • Don't try to "fake" other animal's parts. Rexals can never have dog ears, nor can they have horse tails! However, if an animal part fits within normal Rexal anatomy, i.e. a cat tail or a crocodile tail, it may be allowed.
    • A rexals body must still be recognizable, even with added fur or spikes.
  • Obsitum must be submitted using the provided lineart before you can make edits!
    • Once approved, you are allowed to edit the full provided ranges with 1x Charmed Clay!
    • Alternatively, or additionally, you can use a Charmed Chisel or Comb to edit specific areas of the lineart. Obsitum has its own ranges for the Chisel and Comb, so make sure to use the right ones!


Furred Clay Ranges

Armored Clay Ranges


Furred Comb Ranges

Armored Chisel Ranges

Customization and Line Edits

  • Edits should never look like a trait or marking that a Rex doesn't have, nor should they look like extra limbs.
  • Armored Rex may never appear to have horns or spines.
  • The throat armor should never be edited with this trait! It can never exhibit extra scales or fur. Obsitum also cannot affect the Eyes, Claws, or Flesh.
  • At least 3 Apertures must always be visible, even through heavy fur or scales.
  • Edits should never be so extreme that they would hinder movement. Scales and fur should remain reasonably sized.
Rexals should never have so much fur added that they lose their shape!
Throat armor can never show fur or scale growth!
This is a bit too much growth! Even for the overgrown trait, fur and scales should never surpass the red area in the range!
Rexals cannot grow spikes, even if they are growing out from underneath or between plates.
You can use the group-provided lines to create your edits if you'd like!
Edit using Armored Obsitum and Base lines
Edit using Furred Obsitum and Base lines

Player Owned Examples

Obsitum has a lot of variety allowed- Here are some officially uploaded examples!