



Rex believe this rare occurance in their coats happened due to their soul falling far through the sky, stripping them off of their usual colors. 


Marking Rarity

Marking Layering


Marking Colors

For black markings:

Optionally for markings:

 Lambent Marking Slider

Marking Edges

Affects the the entire rexal!

Symmetry Rules


  • Lambent gives you two options for marking colors! You may either choose a base color and color-shift your markings or use any color from the slider, provided you color-pick them directly from the slider!
    1. Markings can be color-shifted to be darker and lighter than the base you picked, BUT they cannot be a different hue from your chosen base color!
    2. Markings can be picked directly from the slider, regardless of hue, BUT they must be color-picked directly from the slider and cannot be changed in any way.
  • Make sure not to make markings too dark or saturated! All colors on a Lambent design must be pastel.
  • No matter which option you pick, your base color must always be picked directly from the Lambent slider provided. But you can choose whichever color you like best!
  • Black markings (such as Accents) turn gray (see the slider above)!
  • Arcane will still present and affect a marking normally, if you wish.
  • Lambent can't override unique color rules associated with special markings such as 'Fisher's', nor can it alter the hues of all the white markings. Lighter and darker rules for markings still apply!
  • Markings that must be lighter than be base coat, may turn pure white.
  • Lambent can affect flesh and claw colors. If you affect flesh, the pink sheen (should you enable the layer) must be the same color.


Copy paste these images directly into your art program over your design and set them to multiply for the best work effect.
Alternatively you can download the boundary PSDs with the marking boundaries!

There are no Boundaries for Lambent. There are no Boundaries for Lambent.




'Lambent' is a modifier that imparts a light, pastel palette to your Rexal's entire design. The base color must be chosen from the Lambent slider, a delightful array of pastel hues.

For any markings layered atop the Lambent base, adjustments can be made to ensure that they too carry the pastel theme. They must not be overly dark or intensely saturated, to maintain the overall pastel aesthetic. In terms of color selection guidelines, consider the value (lightness) of the color in your design program. If it falls below around 50, the color might be too dark. However, this number isn't rigid, and some leeway is allowed to accommodate variations between different software.

Instead, you may use the slider for all markings' colors, regardless of hue! But if you choose to do this, you may not edit any marking color in any way, they should all be color-picked directly from the slider!

A key characteristic of the Lambent marking is its transformation of normally black markings into shades of gray. These gray hues should be selected from the provided gray slider.

One critical note to remember — and this may require special attention, Lambent inhibits the use of 'black' for marking colors. Therefore, you can't just randomly color markings gray. Only markings that are naturally black in their nature can use the gray slider. Other's must be adjusted to the Lambent slider theme.


This one would be perfectly suitable and is pastel enough to pass. This one sadly is not. The colors of the drape, throw and the daub is too dark. This design is not pastel enough.

"In its dominant form, the 'Lambent' marking extends its pastel magic to every marking on your Rexal,
allowing you to mix and match the two options for Lambent! Keep in mind that any color-shifted markings should still look pastel!

Markings with two colors are allowed to have two entirely different colors picked for them as well, essentially making them two markings of the same kind.

This dominant version of Lambent supersedes the typical 'darker' and 'lighter' color rules associated with individual markings, granting you a lot more freedom in coloring your design.
However, this rule-bending power has its limitations. Even in its dominant form Lambent can't override unique color rules associated with special markings such as 'Arcane', nor can it alter the hues of all the white markings. 

Dominant Lambent may also use the Arcane portion of your base coat slider for black markings instead of using the Pastel Black slider!

Player Owned Examples